CBD for Pets: Can Dogs and Cats Benefit from CBD Oil?

You might be shocked to learn that even your pets can gain benefits from CBD, or cannabidiol. Considered a powerful source of healing effects for anxiety, panic, and overall health and wellness. Cannabidiol is a great way for pets to meet their basic nutritional needs. Dogs can get healing relief from arthritis, pain, joint fatigue, and other internal issues that might be causing them stress, while cats can also see benefits from such products. Vets are now recommending CBD for pets as a way of promoting good health and wellness in mammals of all kinds.

Benefits of CBD for Pets

CBD for Pets

CBD contains important flavonoids, terpenoids, and phytocannabinoids that bind to certain cells in the body. Both humans and animals have receptor areas in the brain and body that control appetite, skin conditions, spams of muscular areas, tumors, pain, and seizures, as well as neurological problems and anxiety. CBD contains important anti inflammatory properties that will help your pet to respond to ailments in the system that cause such effects.

Hemp vs. Marijuana

You might be afraid that CBD contains the same properties as marijuana, making your dog “get high” if he or she consumes CBD. The difference between CBD and pure marijuana is that CBD comes from hemp plants called Cannabis sativa, which are different than the Cannabis indica strain that is responsible for marijuana. Marijuana contains THC content that is especially high, but hemp does not. Hemp is required by law to contain less than .3 percent THC, so your pets will not experience any kind of “high” effect from CBD.

How CBD for Pets Can Help

CBD for pets can help your furry friend with a number of issues such as cancer, organ disease, diabetes, aggression, digestive problems, and stress responses. Many types of chronic pain in dogs and cats can be solved through the addition of CBD to the diet. Your dog may be taking regular drugs to treat such ailments, but CBD can actually help you lower the dose needed to achieve positive effects in treatment.

CBD for Pets With Seizures

Effective as a means of treating head trauma, encephalitis, lead poisoning, and other causes of seizures in pets, CBD is especially useful for reducing traumatic symptoms. Many breeds of dog can actually be prone to develop seizures simply through genetics. These include malamutes, golden retrievers, spaniels, mastiffs, shepherds, beagles, and more. Usually, dogs get prescribed a powerful drug called phenobarbital to deal with seizures, but it is better to look for natural remedies as this drug can cause confusion, dizziness, appetite dysfunction, and other issues. It can even damage the pet’s liver, which is why CBD is being turned to as a more effective and natural remedy.

Reports of CBD Use from Pet Owners

A number of pet owners are now coming forward with stories about how their pets have benefited from the use of CBD. One owner had a mix of lab, shepherd and husky and found that arthritis was making her dog have trouble walking. It actually got to where her pet could no longer go for walks every week, with the activity requiring a lot of time for her pet to recover. The vet put her dog on drugs, but it did not help in the long run, actually causing more problems. However, when the vet later prescribed CBD oil for her pet, the dog quickly started to recover. She tolerated treatments for arthritis much better, no longer getting out of breath or in pain.

Another pet owner decided to try a type of CBD-based pet oil for her dog, who began to suffer from severe joint pain and arthritis. After adding it to peanut butter, cheese, and other foods that her dog loved, she found that CBD treats made her pet act like a young pup once again. She would start getting her toys and tennis balls out to play with, something that her pet had not done for years and years. Thanks to CBD treats, this pet owner had a happy healthy dog again.


CBD for pets contains a number of important benefits including pain treatment, anxiety remedies, and overall wellness and seizure improvement. If your pet suffers from any ailments, or you would simply like to begin a preventative regime of treatment for future health issues, CBD oil or medicinal additions to your pet’s diet can be a great way to boost health.

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