Can You Boost Your Performance With CBD?

Oh yes, you definitely can. CBD has an array of benefits that include performance improvement, but first, we should break down what CBD actually is before diving into how this is possible. So that their powerful relationship can be truly understood. 

What is CBD?

CBD or cannabidiol is found in both cannabis and hemp plants. It is known around the world for its renowned medical properties and recreational usage for common ailments such as pain, anxiety, and insomnia. CBD has even been recently approved by the FDA to help treat epilepsy, a condition that engenders seizures, in a pharmaceutical known as Epidiolex. Pretty powerful stuff! And while CBD is often mentioned in the same discussions that include medical marijuana, it should be noted that the two are completely different substances that are controlled by different laws. However, if you find that you are curious about medical marijuana, check out more information on the subject here

Performance Improvement Explained

Okay, so you know what CBD is now (or perhaps you already did as it is currently a trendy subject in our society) but do you know what performance improvement is? It can sound a little vague and it’s meant to be. Performance improvement applies to any aspect of your life in which you must perform. As it turns out, much of life is performance. Cooking, cleaning, going to work, studying and of course, dating are all rooted in performance. The list goes on and on and I’m sure you can think of a few examples in your own life. Omar Bradley, famed WWII war hero, is known for saying, “Bravery is the capacity to perform even when scared half to death.” As most successful adulthoods are spent out of one’s comfort zone or are at least characterized by intimidation, it is in one’s best interest to improve performance on all fronts. Easier said than done though, am I right? Here’s where CBD can help. 

So How Can CBD Actually Boost Performance?

It’s simple. By simultaneously reducing pain, increasing focus, and speeding up muscle recovery, CBD boosts one’s overall performance. CBD fights inflammation, relieving your pain and increasing levels of serotonin and decreasing levels of cortisol, so your adrenal gland can take a break. Cortisol, also known as the stress hormone, has been shown to have negative impacts on an individual’s success as it impairs one’s decision-making skills and has even been correlated with increased bouts of depression. In short, by lowering these levels of cortisol, CBD is doing you a major solid. And not just for performance but for your health overall. Nobody wants extra cortisol as it can put your health at serious risk for various reasons. 

But CBD’s positive effects go on and on. In order to do the substance justice, the effects should be broken down by performance location: at the gym, at work, and at home. 

Using CBD At The Gym

So in my opinion, one of the coolest facts about CBD is that it is actually anti-catabolic – which means that it fights catabolic properties. Not ringing a bell? Catabolic substances break down muscles and interfere with protein synthesis, a big issue for gym goers. A good example of a catabolic substance is caffeine which just so happens to be one of the most common additives in pre-workout drinks. (Such a scam, right?) In contrast to caffeine, CBD actually helps fight these properties and aids in protein synthesis. So the next time you hit the gym, hit your CBD pen first instead of reaching for your pre-workout mix (link to article about CBD for lifters on site). 

Using CBD At Work

CBD not only increases serotonin, but it also increases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that’s responsible for so many wonderful things in life, including memory and focus. Ever feel like you simply cannot focus? But then you take a break, eat a snack, and maybe scroll through instagram for a bit and go back to it? When you do this, your brain is triggered to release dopamine into your system and guess what? By increasing dopamine levels in your body, you’re able to concentrate better on the task at hand and accomplish a lot more. I know sometimes when I’m tired, I can start to read and re-read the same sentence without actually digesting what it is I am reading. By supporting concentration in individuals, CBD aids in reading comprehension as well. So take a break, hit the pen, and then hit the books! 

Using CBD At Home

Trying to regulate your diet? Did you know that people who use cannabis – CBD included – have a lower BMI compared to those who do not? BMI stands for body mass index and is a way to measure body fat based on an individual’s height and weight. So forget what you know about the munchies! CBD helps regulate your appetite in ways the media has never portrayed. But it doesn’t stop there. CBD can also help you de-stress and sleep better! One of the most effective ways to boost performance is to get more sleep. But for some this can be a nightmare! (see what I did there?) Whether it’s because of pain, anxiety, or something else altogether, CBD has been found to help people with sleeping problems. However, since I mentioned pain and anxiety, CBD has been found to help reduce these symptoms as well. So if your insomnia does happen to be caused by these ailments, CBD can make the situation better by fixing the issue at its source. 

Try CBD Today

Looking for a way out of your slump? Or maybe you’re just interested in a change? CBD can support a healthy, stress-free life. Everyone’s experience is unique, so try CBD products today and see what the substance can do for you. With gummies, tinctures, lotions, vaporizers, and so much more, there’s bound to be a way form of CBD that suits your needs. Check out CBD Pure or Xwerks – both brands that we use and trust.

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