CBD Oil for Chronic Pain

CBD oil for chronic pain

If you’ve suffered from chronic pain issues, it can be discouraging and frustrating. It’s likely that you wake up with soreness throughout your body. It’s not a way to live. If you’ve been suffering from chronic pain, there are some solutions available to you that are all-natural and don’t involve addictive pain killers. CBD oil has helped many people who’ve struggled with chronic pain, and it’s now increasing in popularity across the United States.

Can CBD Oil Help Chronic Pain?

Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, has been used for chronic pain treatment for several years. There have been numerous studies that have incorporated the use of cannabidiol. According to the article “Cannabinoids in the management of difficult to treat pain” published inĀ Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, cannabidiol “was approved in Canada in 2005 for treatment of central neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis, and in 2007 for intractable cancer pain.” This has given us over 10 years of data and patient testimonials. Why has CBD oil increased in popularity over the last few years? It works for many people!

CBD Oil is Non-Psychoactive

One of the reasons that people have been hesitant to use cannabidiol oil as a remedy for their chronic pain is because of the hemp and cannabis plants used to extract cannabidiol.

What do you think of when you think about hemp and cannabis? You’re probably thinking about people rolling up joints and smoking it. While cannabis has been used for hundreds of years to get people “high,” the psychoactive properties of cannabis is a result of the THC in the plant.

CBD and THC are totally different compounds. Even though cannabidiol and THC can be extracted from the same plant, they have totally different effects.

THC gets you high. CBD is non-psychoactive, so you do not get “high” from taking CBD oil drops.

How to Take CBD Oil for Chronic Pain

The process to get cannabidiol into your system is quick and easy. The supplement that we recommend to our clients is CBD Pure. It’s a brand that we’re familiar with. We’ve met the owners, read their studies, and have taken it ourselves.

In fact, your humble blogger that’s writing this post has taken it himself… and still does as a regular supplement.

With CBD Pure, you’re taking a liquid form of cannabidiol oil. It comes in 3 different doses, 100mg, 300mg, and 600mg. If you’ve never tried CBD, we recommend that you start with the 100mg dose. After you’ve tried it for a couple of weeks, you can decide whether or not you want to increase to the 300mg or 600mg dose.

Take your 100mg bottle, and extract a full dropper full of the oil. Next, place the dropper under your tongue, and squeeze the dropper with the oil out. Hold the oil under your tongue for about 30 seconds, then swallow it.

The taste isn’t bad, but you may want to drink some water to chase it down since it’s an oil.

If you’re suffering from chronic pain, take your CBD oil in the morning, afternoon and night. Take 1 dropper full of CBD Pure before each meal. Set a timer or a calendar reminder if you need to stay on top of this, because you don’t want to miss a dose.

How Does CBD Work for Chronic Pain?

Without getting too far into the weeds on the science, the basics are that cannabidiol has been shown to help with inflammation. Inflammation is a killer! It causes all types of problems, but it’s one of the main culprits when suffering from chronic pain.

By taking cannabidiol oil, you’ll help your body to reduce the inflammation that’s causing you chronic pain.

So, if you’re struggling and suffering from lingering aches and pains and don’t want to become dependent on powerful narcotics, check out CBD Pure – proven, tested, and trusted.

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